29 July 2016

Admit it we have all been in a hurry buying that foundation at Boots not releasing that the colour doesn't actually match your skin when you come to use it. Or have you been on a sunny holiday where you've tanned and been in a situation that you foundation is not dark enough to match your skin without buying a new one? You can now fix all these problems with the Body Shop shade adjusting drops.
The Body Shop have recently realised these in a lightening and darkening formula retailing at £10 each,which I think is a little on the expensive side. I love this quote from the body shop website "You wouldn’t settle for Mr. “Almost right” so why do it with your foundation? " So true and seriously girls you need to try them. They will work with most foundations. The formula is very runny and the pump helps keep the liquid inside the bottle without creating too much mess. find them HERE. For those that support that products shouldn't be tested on animals, The Body Shop are also cruelty-free.

Lightning drops
For those who have very fair skin and struggle to find a foundation that actually matches your skin tone, this might be a perfect solution. If you find that your foundation looks too dark or orange a concentration of white and pink pigments in the Lightening Drops will help neutralise yellowness while lightening. Simply add a drop to lighten light to medium shades. You can also use the lightning drops to highlight.

Darkening Drops 
For darker skin tones you may find that your foundation might be looking rather ashy or light. The drops will make the foundation darkening keeping a natural feel and look to the current foundation. You could also use for contouring along with the lightening drops for a highlight.
I would recommend taking these on holiday you never know you might need them. Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed my first blog post. What would you like to see in the future?

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