10 September 2016

Prepare yourself, I would recommend finding a comfy seat and getting a cuppa tea as this post could get very lengthy. A while ago I was on my personal snap chat looking at the discover section reading an article about what is the appropriate age girls should start wearing makeup this got me thinking…

I feel that all girls go through four stages beginning from age three up until their adulthood overcoming many adventures along the way. 

Stage 1: Playing dress up as a child 
We've all been in our mum's makeup bag finding her bright pink lipstick or rouge blusher applying it to our face having fun ‘playing makeup’. For many years you have been able to purchase makeup kits that are targeted to children as toys. I'm talking bright green eyeshadow and sticky lipgloss in a round pot you know the type you would find it in an Argos catalogue and want Santa to get it you for Christmas. I'm pretty sure every child had one in their childhood at some point and everyone loved it unless you were a tomboy of corse. Feeling sorry for the dads who choose to play with their child and get the role of a fairy getting glittery makeup applied to their face! This sort of makeup should stay at home and not venture out of the house.  

Stage 2: Pushing the boundaries 

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